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KEsalahan adalah suatu Hal yang muTlak dan memperbaiki kesalahan adalah langkah terbesar yang Bisa kiTA lakukan,,,

Terima kasih ya sudah sudih mampir keBlog ini,

masih terdapat banyak kekurangan, tapi saya tetap terus mau belajar,,,
MAkA dengan itu saya dengan sangat berterima kasih bila para-para SUHU, GURU, MASTER, TEACHER yang berpengalaman dapat menyumbangkan saran-saran nya,,


Sabtu, 21 November 2009

Panorama from the cathedral, Milan, Italy

Milan Cathedral (Italian: Duomo di Milano; Milanese: Domm de Milan) is the cathedral church of Milan in Lombardy, northern Italy. It is the seat of the Archbishop of Milan, currently Cardinal Dionigi Tettamanzi.

The Gothic cathedral took five centuries to complete and is the fourth-largest church in the world.
Milan's layout, with streets either radiating from the Duomo or circling it, reveals that the Duomo (means Cathedral), occupies what was the most central site in Roman Mediolanum, that of the public basilica facing the forum. Saint Ambrose's 'New Basilica' was built on this site at the beginning of the 5th century, with an adjoining basilica added in 836. When a fire damaged both buildings in 1075, they were later rebuilt as the Duomo.

3 komentar:

  1. Indah sekali, jadi ingat bangunan kuno di kota malang!

  2. indah yaa...hmm, entah kapan bisa kesana,hihi
    salam kenal, makasih pani udah mampir, aku follow yach

  3. @ nuansa pena :

    iya selain kota fashion milan juga ternyata punya panoram yang begitu indah :)

    @ zahra :
    :) paling ga bs berhayal didalam mimpi buat kesana,,
    salam kenal balik ya mba, aku follow balik ya,,


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